Sunday, December 4, 2011

Anti-Cast II

Sorry for the long wait. It will take time to finish it but it will be coming out eventually.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Release date for Anti-cast 2

Anti-cast 2 can be finished in early october if everything goes well but i am afraid that it will still need several more weeks before it can really be released on the web because more time is needed to find a sponsor.

Sorry for the wait.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hellami Schutzstaffe or Hellami SS.

Before she is called Hellami, her name is Rosemary


Monday, July 25, 2011

Update 25 july

Added one more project but it will be a short game. Try to experiment with various stuffs and using mochi ads to see how much i can earn. Still, it is a game that i have fun making.

Screenshot from Anti-cast 2

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Update 17 july

Finished most of the animation movements for the character in my new side scroller game and already have some interesting ideas about the character's ablity. Here's something i want to share, a screenshot of a environment, it's under development

As for Anti-cast 2, i am progressing forward to the third section of the game. Btw, here's my new website.

Kindigo Studio

You can find some concept arts about my new project and also art pieces.

Monday, July 11, 2011

update 11 july

Manage to finish a portion of a animation in anti-cast 2 and have to program it later this week. So far, i have came out with several interesting concepts and ideas in anti-cast 2.

For my other games, i am still building the characters and their movements. What's fun for me is creating the landscape and the environment and also programming the enemies' AI.

I learnt that building the game world and characters required lots and lots of references in order to make something look believable, using my own imagination alone is just ego. Hope that i can show some pictures of the games soon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New development

Anti-cast 2 may will be completed in 2 months time. If i got time, i like to translate it for the chinese players.

Beside this game, i am also planning 2 other games. One of the project has been in development for quite some long and i still need a month of research to get things done. Both projects took place in the middle age.

Anti-cast 2, 也许翻译中文

Monday, May 30, 2011

Anti-cast 2

Realised that anti-cast is being played on chinese sites too :)

现在我正在创建 Anti-cast 2, 请大家等待!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Anti-cast 2??

Anti-cast has gotten pretty good response so far.

So did Sara died? will know that in Anti-Cast 2..

BTW, hellami episode 1 is on Big thanks to newgrounds. There will be a episode 3 eventually

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Game released

Anti-cast is released on newgrounds and be release on kongregate soon. :0

A enemy from my new game. Been too bz to work on it but will not be stopping.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Game system

Manage to come out a system for attacking. Everything is going good but it's gonna get complicated.

Still have to come out with more steam machines concepts and characters

Monday, February 14, 2011

Character name

Figure out my character's name and also a new name for the title. I am quite happy with the enemy's A.I but i plan to make them even smarter to dodge bullets or explosions. The gameplay is inspired from final fantasy style but it isn't turn-based.

I really need to work on the characters' look and also concepts on the world.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Finally, i am able to understand AS3 super and override. Override just replace the superclass's method while adding super.method will add the original method to the subclass method.

Well, here's the concept ship i have done. I have already added some codes to make it looked floaty and it looks great. I am really looking forward to this big project.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Having some progress on my new game. It will be called "Krystallo".

My challenge for this game will be trying to make it dramatic and movie like so there how there will be interaction between the player, enemy and the environment whenever things happen.

Today is chinese new year. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

game concept ideas

Here's some new concept characters' look for my next game. Very brief, not what i wanted.

I have came out with a story that i think will match the gameplay well. I have not written any code yet but i feel the type of gameplay that i imagined should be possible.

The book that i borrowed from the library " as3 animation, making things move" is really a awesome book. Learnt about Trigonometry and velocity concepts.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Just completed 99% of the shootorial tutorial and i am glad that i follows it all the way. Learnt alot about the concepts and became more confidence.

Busy day today. Still have homework not done and also taking part in a animation contest. Here's the homework.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I will start updating my progress of my projects and work. :D

My first game " Anti-Cast" will be published soon if everything goes okay. I am quite happy with the bids. Right now, i am learning Actionscript 3 so i can make even awesome games rather than point and click ones. In my brain, i have a few awesome ideas but they required skills of both as and art to complete them.

Anti-Cast trailer

I will talk more about the game next time.