Friday, February 18, 2011

Game system

Manage to come out a system for attacking. Everything is going good but it's gonna get complicated.

Still have to come out with more steam machines concepts and characters

Monday, February 14, 2011

Character name

Figure out my character's name and also a new name for the title. I am quite happy with the enemy's A.I but i plan to make them even smarter to dodge bullets or explosions. The gameplay is inspired from final fantasy style but it isn't turn-based.

I really need to work on the characters' look and also concepts on the world.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Finally, i am able to understand AS3 super and override. Override just replace the superclass's method while adding super.method will add the original method to the subclass method.

Well, here's the concept ship i have done. I have already added some codes to make it looked floaty and it looks great. I am really looking forward to this big project.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Having some progress on my new game. It will be called "Krystallo".

My challenge for this game will be trying to make it dramatic and movie like so there how there will be interaction between the player, enemy and the environment whenever things happen.

Today is chinese new year. :)